No more waiting rooms. No more high costs. Get custom clear aligners shipped straight to the customers’ doorsteps for 65% less and see results, fast.
In today’s world, the market for obtaining aesthetically correct teeth alignment is increasing rapidly, however in this growing market the major factor which keep the patients away from the treatments is cost and connectivity to orthodontist. Our aim is to provide affordable and convenient options whoever wants to transform their teeth alignment. Our process involves 3 simple steps, the 1st step is by the creation of a 3d model of the patient’s teeth. This can be done in 2 ways either by scheduling a free scan at studio or by taking the impression by using a kit. The second step involves the design of treatment depending on the complexity of the misalignment. Our team of authorised orthodontist and dentist will create a treatment structure for the patient, along with one on one interactions with the patients and clearing their queries. This is followed by the third step which includes delivery of the customised clear aligners right at their disposal. The patient will receive the first set of aligners. Upon review of the aligner by the orthodontist the other set of aligners will be delivered to the patients.